Thanks for your interest in Startup Incinerator! We wouldn't be able to put on this event without you, and we very deeply appreciate your support; we need all the help we can get to provide food, prototyping materials, and other amenities to our entrepreneurs.
If you are interested in donating money, goods, or in-kind services to the Incinerator, we have several tiers of rewards for our Sponsors. This is going to be a high visibility event with high involvement from the Northwestern University community, coverage from local news agencies (including the Chicago Tribune and Chicago Sun-Times), and a 30 minute documentary that will be broadcast on the internet. You can find some of our current sponsors below, as well as a list of rewards.
Presented by
In Association with
Presented by ($1000 or greater) - You will receive an onstage appearance before opening and final pitches, a full page ad in the event program, an appearance on a banner at the event, a producer credit in the documentary, and unlimited tickets to final pitches.
In Association with ($500 or greater) - You will receive an onstage appearance before final pitches, a half page ad in the program, appearance on a banner at the event, an opening credit in the documentary, and 5 tickets to final pitches.
With Support from ($100 or greater) - You will receive 5 tickets to final pitches and a 1/4 page ad in the program.
And Thanks to ($25 or greater) - A ticket to final pitches and a thank you in the program.
Please email the event coordinator, Colton Dillion, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions and interest.