

  Kasey Lundquist
  Yael Berman
  Greg Larkin
  Justin Paine


Describe of the value proposition 
We are an adult beverage [company] that provides a low-in-calorie, high-in-hydration vodka-based drink. Our target audience is professional females ages 22 and above who are looking for a refreshing, low-calorie beverage that has the added benefit of electrolytes and minerals which replenish hydration levels in the body. The beverage is made from vodka, two types of coconut water, an organic, low-calorie sweetener and a couple other secret ingredients. The value proposition is simple - alcohol is fun, the day after is not; this drink helps to solve the problem of the after-effects of alcohol by replenishing the body with necessary minerals that alcohol drains from your body.

In essence, we are bottling a mixed drink that we have created that has been popular among the female population who have sampled it and that solves the problem of losing necessary electrolytes and minerals while drinking.

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Created On: 10/07/2012 18:03:22

Nice idea


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