

  Sameer Anwar
  Sung Won Khan Lee


Describe of the value proposition 
Q-laborate is a social network connecting campus leaders of similar organizations across universities.

Problem: Campus groups across universities in North America fall can almost all be bucketed into : professional, social/cultural, religious, and ethnic.

While there is a lot of intra-university collaboration – there just isn’t enough inter-university communication. This leads to a lot of re-inventing the wheel when it comes to planning and organizing events that have already happened at similar campus groups at different universities. There is also a succession problem when new executives take over any campus group - they sometimes have to learn from trial and error because there is no clear succession plan.

Q-laborate Solution: Q-laborate as a facebook app, will allow campus leaders of select universities to coordinate activities between similar groups across universities, share resources and ideas on events, speakers, and build repositories focusing on the successes and failures of their events developing best practices for future generations of campus leaders.

No wall posts.


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