Richard Donahue
  Josh Serlin


Describe of the value proposition 
Just a quick grocery trip you say. In and out. Yet there you find yourself, standing in the bread aisle, squinting at a nutrition label and trying to make sense of ingredients you can't even pronounce. Sound familiar? It doesn't have to. Enter NutrASSIST, your personal food shopping guide. NutrASSIST helps make sense of the confusing array of options and terminology inside our grocery stores and on our food labels.

The concept is simple. Technology helps us understand every aspect of our lives. Yet suddenly when we go to the grocery store, we're on our own to decipher chemical compounds and nutrient terminology. Through NutrASSIST's online website, you can learn about optimal nutrition and ingredients, customize parameters for individual food categories or general grocery items, or choose from pre-populated parameters created by professional dieticians to help you lose weight, bulk up or join in on the newest diet fad. Then sit back and let NutrASSIST do the rest.

Using a phone camera and product bar codes, NutrASSIST quickly scans food items for their nutrition facts and ingredients and compares these to your pre-selected criteria. If its within the guidelines, NutrASSIST verifies your selection. If not, it tells you where the food missed your standards, helping you decide if it's still worth the purchase.

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